Indpependence Day in the Roads 231 S.W. 28th Roa, MiamiHundreds of items must be sold ''to the bare walls''
Hundreds of items must be sold ''to the bare walls''
Everything to be sold piece by piece
Hundreds of items must be sold ''to the bare walls''
Must be sold ''to the bare walls'' - Bring your trucks!
Tell the guard you're attending the Estate Sale.
Tell the guard you're attending the Estate Sale.
Miami Estate Auction containing furniture, art, jewelry and much more.
Tavernier Estate Auction containing furniture, art, and a beautiful boat and jet ski.
Homestead Estate Auction containing furniture a lifetime of personal possessions.
Estate Auction in beautiful Palmetto Bay. Join of for the last weekend of March and pick up something exquisite.
The Warehouse and the Attic have been unlocked - we now have room for more treasures of this Million Dollar Home,
By order of the Executor - the Estate of the Late Gaston Ivan Fernandez; Antique Dealer and Collector